Bath – 01373 834 848

Other Locations – 01884 720 745


The Hunt for the Great Crested Newt at Swains Lane Local Nature Reserve 2018

May 9, 2018 HannahMaben Company NewsEcological ConsultancyProjectsSomerset

In April 2018, Seasons Ecology volunteered to undertake a great crested newt survey at Swains Lane Local Nature Reserve (LNR) in 2018. The LNR was designated for its population of great crested newts by Natural England in 2004 and consists of a traditional orchard with both young and veteran trees, semi-improved grassland, mature hedgerows, marshy […]


Ecologistgreat crested newtGreat crested newt surveysurvey season

Boosting dormice populations on the Somerset/Devon border

January 16, 2018 HannahMaben Company NewsDevonEcologistSomersetUncategorized

In December 2015 Seasons Ecology approached the Woodland Trust to offer to donate, install and monitor dormouse boxes at a local Woodland Trust site. Cross Land is a millennium wood on the Somerset /Devon border planted with native broadleaf trees and shrubs by the Woodland Trust in 1998. With the help of the Woodland Trust’s […]


DevondormouseDormouse surveyEcologistSomersetwoodlands

2017 in a nutshell

January 2, 2018 HannahMaben Company NewsDevonEcological ConsultancySomerset

2017 went by in a flash for us here at Seasons Ecology and we have enjoyed taking some time to look back and reflect on what we have achieved! Both our Devon and Bath offices took on new premises with our Bath office also appointing Moira Allwood as our Office Manager! After almost two years […]


DevonEcological ConsultancyEcologistSomerset

Seasons Ecology Team Development 2016

December 20, 2016 HannahMaben BathCompany NewsDevonEcological ConsultancyProjectsSomerset

2016 has been another extremely busy year for Seasons Ecology with some new and exciting projects and team developments. Hannah Maben returned to work after a brief stint on maternity leave and is now back up to full capacity managing major projects such as the New Cloverleaf Junction off the A361 (North Devon link road) […]


BathDevonEcological ConsultancyEcologistecology surveySomerset

Volunteering and donations in 2016

December 13, 2016 HannahMaben Company NewsDevonEcological ConsultancyEcologistSomerset

Despite 2016 seeing another increase in projects and workload Seasons Ecology has still found time to continue to support local wildlife projects through donations and volunteering. In February Seasons Ecology donated 50 dormouse boxes to the Woodland Trust and has coordinated and participated with monitoring as part of the PTES National Dormouse Monitoring Programme ( […]


charityDevonDormouse surveyEcological ConsultancySomerset

Bats on the Blackdowns – Supporting Local Projects

May 19, 2015 HannahMaben Company NewsDevonEcological ConsultancyProjectsSomerset

Seasons Ecology is pleased to be leading a range of bat surveys on behalf of the National Trust to inform proposals to relight the Wellington Monument on the Blackdown Hills Area of Outstanding Beauty (AONB). We are completing the surveys on a voluntary basis, with assistance from the Blackdown Hills Natural Futures team. The National […]


bat surveysbatscharityDevonEcologistSomerset

Great Crested Newts – Frequently Asked Questions

January 28, 2014 HannahMaben BathEcologistSomerset

Here are the answers to several frequently asked questions, which we hope will help you understand great crested newts and the need for surveys, licences and mitigation.  You might enjoy testing your knowledge by completing our quick Great Crested Newt Quiz. Why are great crested newts protected? Where do great crested newts live? How long […]


great crested newtGreat crested newt surveyLicencesplanningsurvey season

Seasons Ecology wishes you a Happy New Year!

January 8, 2014 Kate Hayward Company NewsEcological ConsultancySomerset

During the past twelve months, in our second year of trading, we have been busy.  Not least because both Kate and Hannah have had babies this year.  Thanks to two very trusty and hardworking associates, Seasons Ecology has operated as usual and has been involved in some interesting projects.  These range from several London-based projects […]


ancient woodlandbat licencebat surveysBREEAMEnvironmental Appraisal ReportsEnvironmental Impact Assessmentsgreat crested newtsuitably qualified ecologistssurvey season

The Great Crested Newt Survey Season is Fast Approaching……Or so we thought!!

April 8, 2013 Kate Hayward Ecological ConsultancyEcologistSomerset

With temperatures still well below freezing at night, the great crested newt survey season is not so fast approaching!  Natural England’s (previously English Nature) guidelines for newt surveys suggest that temperatures should be consistently above 5 degrees Celsius for conditions to be suitable to survey (particularly when bottle-trapping).  This spring we have barely reached one […]


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Seasons Ecology Limited Directors: K M Hayward MCIEEM & H M Maben MCIEEM
Registered Address: 69 High Street, Bideford, Devon, EX39 2AT
Company No: 11258906