Bath – 01373 834 848

Other Locations – 01884 720 745


Volunteering and donations in 2016

December 13, 2016 HannahMaben Company NewsDevonEcological ConsultancyEcologistSomerset

Despite 2016 seeing another increase in projects and workload Seasons Ecology has still found time to continue to support local wildlife projects through donations and volunteering. In February Seasons Ecology donated 50 dormouse boxes to the Woodland Trust and has coordinated and participated with monitoring as part of the PTES National Dormouse Monitoring Programme ( […]


charityDevonDormouse surveyEcological ConsultancySomerset

Bats on the Blackdowns – Supporting Local Projects

May 19, 2015 HannahMaben Company NewsDevonEcological ConsultancyProjectsSomerset

Seasons Ecology is pleased to be leading a range of bat surveys on behalf of the National Trust to inform proposals to relight the Wellington Monument on the Blackdown Hills Area of Outstanding Beauty (AONB). We are completing the surveys on a voluntary basis, with assistance from the Blackdown Hills Natural Futures team. The National […]


bat surveysbatscharityDevonEcologistSomerset

Seasons Ecology Limited Directors: K M Hayward MCIEEM & H M Maben MCIEEM
Registered Address: 69 High Street, Bideford, Devon, EX39 2AT
Company No: 11258906