Bath – 01373 834 848

Other Locations – 01884 720 745

bat licence

2014 – a great year for bat surveys

October 1, 2014 HannahMaben Ecological ConsultancyEcologistProjects

The weather in 2014 was optimal for bats and Seasons Ecology has clocked up in excess of 500 hours of surveying at over 26 sites across eight English counties. Surveys have comprised dusk emergence, dawn re-entry and activity surveys (using both manual transects and static detectors). Such surveys largely follow on from extended Phase 1 […]


bat licenceBat surveybatsEuropean Protected Species

Seasons Ecology wishes you a Happy New Year!

January 8, 2014 Kate Hayward Company NewsEcological ConsultancySomerset

During the past twelve months, in our second year of trading, we have been busy.  Not least because both Kate and Hannah have had babies this year.  Thanks to two very trusty and hardworking associates, Seasons Ecology has operated as usual and has been involved in some interesting projects.  These range from several London-based projects […]


ancient woodlandbat licencebat surveysBREEAMEnvironmental Appraisal ReportsEnvironmental Impact Assessmentsgreat crested newtsuitably qualified ecologistssurvey season

Seasons Ecology Limited Directors: K M Hayward MCIEEM & H M Maben MCIEEM
Registered Address: 69 High Street, Bideford, Devon, EX39 2AT
Company No: 11258906