Ecological Consultancy
Devon County Council appoints Seasons Ecology to facilitate new junction for the Tiverton Eastern Urban Extension
Seasons Ecology has been appointed by Devon County Council to implement the ecological mitigation associated with a new junction off the A361 near Tiverton. The Junction, referred to as the Half Cloverleaf junction and spine road, will facilitate access to/from the Tiverton Eastern Urban Extension (EUE). Tiverton EUE, located between the A361, the Great Western […]
Swapping cider for cream teas?! Seasons Ecology has moved…
January 2015 has seen our Wellington (Somerset) office relocate six miles west across the border into Devon. The move is intended to allow us to expand to meet growing demand (not really for the cream teas!). NEW ADDRESS: Seasons Ecology, Suite 4, Swallow Court, Devonshire Gate, Tiverton, EX16 7EJ 01884 842 745 | We […]
Great Crested Newts – Seasons Ecology Benefits
Hannah and Kate have over 25 years’ experience of undertaking great crested newt surveys and managing projects relating to great crested newts. Between them they have held licences to survey great crested newts for over 20 years and have undertaken surveys in England, Wales and Scotland. Throughout their careers Kate and Hannah have advised on […]
Ecology – An Industry Update from 2013
2013 saw a number of changes within the ecology sector, many of which aim to improve standards and efficiency. Here is a summary of just a few: Royal Charter for the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management In spring 2014 IEEM was granted its Royal Charter and the professional membership body is now known as […]
Seasons Ecology are Celebrating a Year in Business!
The seasons over the past twelve months have been extreme with a very wet and snowy autumn/winter, a late and wet spring and finally a tropical summer. This hasn’t deterred us from donning our site boots and undertaking ecological surveys for our clients! Our Partnership, which was formed on the 15th August 2012, has been […]
Ecology Survey Seasons: January/February Tips
The start of the year is a good time to plan and programme ecological surveys for the up and coming survey seasons ahead. By planning ahead and taking account of various seasonal constraints posed by many protected species survey seasons project managers can avoid potential delays in submitting planning applications or enabling construction works. Seasons […]
BREEAM Ecology Credits
In general up to eight credits are available for LE 02 – LE 05 of BREEAM 2011 assessments (subject to specific schemes) and up to seven credits for Eco 1 – Eco 4 of EcoHomes and Code for Sustainable Homes assessments, which relate to the ecology of a site. This can make a real difference […]
Ecology Surveys for all Seasons
Many developers are aware of the constraints that many ecological survey seasons can have on a project programme having previously encountered delays to planning applications due to the likes of hibernating bats and great crested newts, for example. However, there are some ecological surveys that can be undertaken throughout the year and can help project […]
Seasons Ecology is Formed!
Kate Hayward and Hannah Maben have teamed up to provide bespoke ecological services throughout the UK. Based in Bath and Wellington (Somerset) respectively they are able to provide a comprehensive range of ecological consultancy services including habitat and species surveys using over 20 years of experience between them. Having both run a successful small environmental […]