Phase 1 habitat survey
Ecology Survey Seasons: January/February Tips
The start of the year is a good time to plan and programme ecological surveys for the up and coming survey seasons ahead. By planning ahead and taking account of various seasonal constraints posed by many protected species survey seasons project managers can avoid potential delays in submitting planning applications or enabling construction works. Seasons […]
Ecology Survey Seasons: November Tips
Why wait until spring? November and December are good months for undertaking specific ecological surveys and site clearance works. Winter surveys, particularly in combination with an ecological desk study, can assess the likely presence of protected species and/or species of note and scope the need for further ecological surveys (if any). This can ensure that […]
Ecology Surveys for all Seasons
Many developers are aware of the constraints that many ecological survey seasons can have on a project programme having previously encountered delays to planning applications due to the likes of hibernating bats and great crested newts, for example. However, there are some ecological surveys that can be undertaken throughout the year and can help project […]