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Devon County Council appoints Seasons Ecology to facilitate new junction for the Tiverton Eastern Urban Extension

August 18, 2015 HannahMaben Company NewsDevonEcological Consultancy

Seasons Ecology has been appointed by Devon County Council to implement the ecological mitigation associated with a new junction off the A361 near Tiverton. The Junction, referred to as the Half Cloverleaf junction and spine road, will facilitate access to/from the Tiverton Eastern Urban Extension (EUE).

Tiverton EUE, located between the A361, the Great Western Canal, West Manley Lane and Manley Lane recently received planning permission for approximately 1000 new houses, 22000m2 of employment land, a care home, a primary school and neighbourhood centre.  The Half Cloverleaf junction and spine road has also been granted planning permission and construction is proposed to commence in 2017.

The Environmental Statement that supported the planning application included specific mitigation measures to be implemented in respect to ecology including update surveys and monitoring, relocation exercises and European Protected Species licencing. Seasons Ecology is also liaising with the landscaping team in respect to the detailed design and will provide long-term management prescriptions for retained and new habitats to maximise benefits to biodiversity.

Seasons Ecology is excited to be working on such a significant local project.

DevonEcological Consultancymitigation

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Seasons Ecology Limited Directors: K M Hayward MCIEEM & H M Maben MCIEEM
Registered Address: 69 High Street, Bideford, Devon, EX39 2AT
Company No: 11258906