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Dormouse survey

Boosting dormice populations on the Somerset/Devon border

January 16, 2018 HannahMaben Company NewsDevonEcologistSomersetUncategorized

In December 2015 Seasons Ecology approached the Woodland Trust to offer to donate, install and monitor dormouse boxes at a local Woodland Trust site. Cross Land is a millennium wood on the Somerset /Devon border planted with native broadleaf trees and shrubs by the Woodland Trust in 1998. With the help of the Woodland Trust’s […]


DevondormouseDormouse surveyEcologistSomersetwoodlands

Volunteering and donations in 2016

December 13, 2016 HannahMaben Company NewsDevonEcological ConsultancyEcologistSomerset

Despite 2016 seeing another increase in projects and workload Seasons Ecology has still found time to continue to support local wildlife projects through donations and volunteering. In February Seasons Ecology donated 50 dormouse boxes to the Woodland Trust and has coordinated and participated with monitoring as part of the PTES National Dormouse Monitoring Programme ( […]


charityDevonDormouse surveyEcological ConsultancySomerset

Cross Land – Dormouse Monitoring

December 21, 2015 HannahMaben Company News

Seasons Ecology is donating 50 dormouse boxes to a local Woodland Trust site on the Somerset/Devon border with the intention of registering and monitoring the site on a voluntary basis under the National Dormouse Monitoring Programme. The boxes are being made and supplied by Specialised Nestboxes, a local company based on the Mendip Hills, and […]


DevondormouseDormouse surveyEcologistSomerset

Ecology Survey Seasons: November Tips

November 22, 2012 HannahMaben Ecological Consultancy

Why wait until spring?  November and December are good months for undertaking specific ecological surveys and site clearance works.  Winter surveys, particularly in combination with an ecological desk study, can assess the likely presence of protected species and/or species of note and scope the need for further ecological surveys (if any).  This can ensure that […]


0 Badger surveyBat surveyDormouse surveyecology surveyOtter surveyPhase 1 habitat surveyplanningsurvey seasonsWinter bird surveywinter surveys

Seasons Ecology Limited Directors: K M Hayward MCIEEM & H M Maben MCIEEM
Registered Address: 69 High Street, Bideford, Devon, EX39 2AT
Company No: 11258906