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Ecology Survey Seasons: November Tips

November 22, 2012 HannahMaben Ecological Consultancy

Why wait until spring?  November and December are good months for undertaking specific ecological surveys and site clearance works.  Winter surveys, particularly in combination with an ecological desk study, can assess the likely presence of protected species and/or species of note and scope the need for further ecological surveys (if any).  This can ensure that any seasonal constraints are avoided and/or taken into consideration as early in the project planning stages as possible.

Ecological surveys that can be undertaken throughout the winter include:

  • Phase 1 habitat surveys;
  • Bat surveys – preliminary habitat assessment and hibernation surveys;
  • Badger surveys;
  • Otter surveys;
  • Winter bird surveys; and,
  • Dormouse nut searches.

Winter works that are best undertaken in the winter include:

  • Vegetation removal to avoid breeding birds;
  • Works to summer bat roosting sites (under licence or Precautionary Method of Working as required);
  • Completion off badger sett closures (under licence up until the end of November);

Preparing and submitting a bat or great crested newt licence application based on 2012 survey data over the winter months can also ensure that you are prepared and ready to start implementation works that might be possible to commence in March/April 2013.

Badger surveyBat surveyDormouse surveyecology surveyOtter surveyPhase 1 habitat surveyplanningsurvey seasonsWinter bird surveywinter surveys

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Seasons Ecology Limited Directors: K M Hayward MCIEEM & H M Maben MCIEEM
Registered Address: 69 High Street, Bideford, Devon, EX39 2AT
Company No: 11258906