2014 – a great year for bat surveys
The weather in 2014 was optimal for bats and Seasons Ecology has clocked up in excess of 500 hours of surveying at over 26 sites across eight English counties.
Surveys have comprised dusk emergence, dawn re-entry and activity surveys (using both manual transects and static detectors). Such surveys largely follow on from extended Phase 1 habitat surveys and/or preliminary bat roost assessments, which are led by our experienced and licensed bat ecologists who are able to identify the need and scope of further bat surveys or advise on avoidance measures.
The surveys have been designed largely to inform development design and mitigation proposals in support of planning applications, construction works and post-planning European Protected Species Licence applications (bat licences), including those in relation to:
• Barn redevelopment (including permitted development)
• Building demolition and rebuild
• House renovations, including listed buildings
• Educational facilities
• Church renovations
• Wind turbines
• Large-scale mixed-use/commercial development sites
Having supported numerous successful planning applications, Seasons Ecology is also busy obtaining and overseeing the implementation of numerous European Protected Species Licences in respect to bats and development.
Preliminary bat surveys can be undertaken at any time of year. The optimal season for emergence, re-entry and activity bat surveys is typically May to August, but if weather is suitable (as it has been this year) surveys can be undertaken between April and September.
Refer to our survey calendar for information relating to the seasonaility of other protected species surveys or contact Seasons Ecology:
Wellington – 07933 155 412 | Bath – 07864 586 629 | info@seasonsecology.co.uk
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