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Climate Emergency

January 24, 2023 Kate Hayward BathCompany NewsDevon

Here at Seasons Ecology, we are trying to do our bit for the Planet.  It’s not easy with a Government who seem to be heading in the opposite direction.  Rishi Sunak’s five promises to the nation recently to make Britain a better place, did not even mention the Climate Crisis! The media is also seemingly ignorant to the scale of the Climate Emergency, with Harry and Megan’s documentary (and other trivia) making headline news! 

The latest IPCC report warns of nearing a critical level, beyond which accelerated and irreversible impacts will occur, affecting everyone everywhere.  We are in the sixth mass extinction, with mass die-offs of species.  It’s not looking good!

There is some good news – Lula was voted in as President of Brazil, Bolsonaro is out!  Along with leaders of other South American countries, Lula has pledged to protect and restore the Amazon Rainforest.  In the UK green projects are increasing and the nation is getting frustrated with the lack of climate action!

Anyway, our little bit!  We recently donated copies of Greta Thunberg’s The Climate Book to local schools and libraries in Somerset.  We are setting up a ‘Climate Perks’ scheme for employees, which aims to make worklife more sustainable and rewards employees who opt green!  We will be at the Climate Protest in London on 21st April this year along with 100,000 (ish) others.

We want to give away a copy of Greta’s The Climate Book based on your personal pledge on a climate-related issue.  Please let us know what you have pledged and a copy could be coming your way!


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Seasons Ecology Limited Directors: K M Hayward MCIEEM & H M Maben MCIEEM
Registered Address: 69 High Street, Bideford, Devon, EX39 2AT
Company No: 11258906