Swapping cider for cream teas?! Seasons Ecology has moved…
January 2015 has seen our Wellington (Somerset) office relocate six miles west across the border into Devon. The move is intended to allow us to expand to meet growing demand (not really for the cream teas!).
NEW ADDRESS: Seasons Ecology, Suite 4, Swallow Court, Devonshire Gate, Tiverton, EX16 7EJ
01884 842 745 | info@seasonsecology.co.uk
We will be sharing an office space with RMA Environmental Ltd with whom Seasons Ecology have long-standing working relations. Hannah Maben (Partner at Seasons Ecology) and Rob Murdock (Director at RMA Environmental Ltd) have worked together for 13 years and over the past two years have worked on numerous projects together which reflects the synergy of the two companies technical specialisms, in particular ecology, water quality, hydrology and Environmental Impact Assessment.
We will continue to operate from our Bath Office (headed up by Kate Hayward, Partner at Seasons Ecology, 07864 586 629) and to support projects across the UK.
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