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CIEEM Registered Practice

January 14, 2020 HannahMaben Company NewsEcological ConsultancyEcologist

Seasons Ecology Ltd is delighted to have been admitted as a Registered Practice of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) on the 14th January 2020.

CIEEM’s Registered Practices are champions of high professional standards and the delivery of the best outcomes for biodiversity whilst supporting a thriving economy. They are ambassadors for our profession, helping to raise its profile and to communicate its valuable contribution to society.  Registered Practices actively seek to share their knowledge and expertise and support others, both individuals and organisations, to do their bit for our natural world.

cieemEcological ConsultancyEcologist

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Seasons Ecology Limited Directors: K M Hayward MCIEEM & H M Maben MCIEEM
Registered Address: 69 High Street, Bideford, Devon, EX39 2AT
Company No: 11258906