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Seasons Greetings!

December 12, 2012 Kate Hayward Company NewsEcological Consultancy

We would like to wish all our clients a very Happy Christmas and New Year and to thank you for your business these past few months.  Seasons Ecology was formed on 15th August of this year and in that short time we have advised on a variety of projects.  From her base on the Devon / Somerset border, Hannah has been working on sites in Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, South Wales and London.  Hannah has gained Seasons Ecology’s first European Protected Species Licence in respect to bats for a residential property and is currently overseeing the implementation of the method statement.   Hannah is also currently advising on wind farm projects in Cornwall.  Kate, who is based in Bath, has worked on sites in Bath, Bristol, the Mendips, South Wales, London and Essex, advising on contaminated land sites, recreational sites (fishing lakes and golf courses), agricultural improvement schemes and BREEAM assessments.

The winter season is generally a quiet time of the year for surveying although Phase 1 habitat surveys, badger surveys and building and tree roost surveys for bats can be undertaken.  A Phase 1 habitat survey undertaken in the winter provides plenty of time to schedule in any further surveys that may be required, the results of which will be needed to accompany a development proposal’s planning application.  The absence of such results could delay a decision and affect a project’s timescales.     BREEAM assessments can also be carried out; it’s best to get an ecologist on board early on in the process to maximise opportunity for enhancements and subsequently a better rating!

We are happy to offer free initial advice so please contact us to discuss your requirements further.

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Seasons Ecology Limited Directors: K M Hayward MCIEEM & H M Maben MCIEEM
Registered Address: 69 High Street, Bideford, Devon, EX39 2AT
Company No: 11258906