Author Archive
Seasons Ecology’s Bath Team is Moving to Frome!
Exciting news – our Bath-based ecological consultancy team is moving to a new and larger office at 8 Christchurch Street West, Frome, Somerset BA11 1EQ! The move reflects our growth in providing ecological consulting services, and we needed more space to better serve our clients and expand our services. Our new Frome location, close to […]
Climate Perks Scheme
Seasons Ecology have signed up to the charity-run Climate Perks scheme and are proud to be a Climate Perks accredited employer. This means that we will give paid travel time where employees elect to travel via land or sea rather than via air. The paid travel time can be claimed for additional hours spent travelling. […]
Climate Emergency
Here at Seasons Ecology, we are trying to do our bit for the Planet. It’s not easy with a Government who seem to be heading in the opposite direction. Rishi Sunak’s five promises to the nation recently to make Britain a better place, did not even mention the Climate Crisis! The media is also seemingly […]
This week marks the start of the Great Crested Newt Survey Season for Seasons Ecology…
We donned our waders earlier this week and carried out our first newt survey of the season. It was a cool 7°C and quite breezy, but there was plenty going on in the ponds. A few toads and common newts, moorhens, ducks and rather too many goldfish! It’s a sure sign of spring and warmer […]
Seasons Ecology wishes you a Happy New Year!
During the past twelve months, in our second year of trading, we have been busy. Not least because both Kate and Hannah have had babies this year. Thanks to two very trusty and hardworking associates, Seasons Ecology has operated as usual and has been involved in some interesting projects. These range from several London-based projects […]
The Spring Survey Season is here at last!
Temperatures have finally reached double figures – Hoorah! The busiest time of the year for surveys is generally the spring. This year spring has arrived a little later. The start of the great crested newt survey season has been affected by the late arrival of spring, but we are finally commencing surveys this week. There […]
The Great Crested Newt Survey Season is Fast Approaching……Or so we thought!!
With temperatures still well below freezing at night, the great crested newt survey season is not so fast approaching! Natural England’s (previously English Nature) guidelines for newt surveys suggest that temperatures should be consistently above 5 degrees Celsius for conditions to be suitable to survey (particularly when bottle-trapping). This spring we have barely reached one […]
The Great Crested Newt Survey Season is Fast Approaching!
Believe it or not (we can’t!), the great crested newt survey season is not far away (surveys could begin in early March). The window for surveys of this species is one of the smallest with half of the four or six visits required, needing to be carried out between mid-April and mid-May. Between them, Kate […]
Ecology – An Industry Update from 2012
Just some of the changes and events that took place this year… Legislation – Changes to the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 and the Offshore Marine Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 2007 came into force in August this year, resulting in The Offshore Marine Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 and the […]
Seasons Greetings!
We would like to wish all our clients a very Happy Christmas and New Year and to thank you for your business these past few months. Seasons Ecology was formed on 15th August of this year and in that short time we have advised on a variety of projects. From her base on the Devon […]